Investing in the future of electronics.
As Odak PCB, we are investing in the next generation of electronics engineers by sponsoring student projects, universities' technology clubs and teams that are registered for official competitions and challenges.
We strongly believe that the best training comes from hands-on, real-world experiences, and these university competitions provide engineering students with this opportunity.
ETU students joined the Shell Eco-marathon in Europe and got 6th place. They also joined TUBITAK Efficiency Challenge in the scope of Teknofest and placed 1st and 2nd in several categories in Turkey. At TUBITAK Efficiency Challenge in 2019, they manufactured four obligatory parts by themselves, including the engine, engine driver, BMS, and EYS, and placed the 2nd with the contributions of Odak PCB.
Having produced a domestic electric engine, Kutahya Dumlupinar University's DUSCART Electromobile Team got 4th place in the Electromobile category of the 2020 Alternative Energy Vehicle Races organized by TUBITAK.
In 2019, with the promotional activities, carried out for TUBITAK's Efficiency Challenge, the K-Tech Team was regarded as one of the teams with the highest advertising capabilities in Turkey and got the "Public Dissemination Award." After the improvement made in 2020, they got 3rd place in the hydro mobile category at the same competition in Turkey.
With its electric vehicle SOCRAT-EV'15, Istanbul University's Socrat Team got 1st place by consuming 906 WH in the finals of TUBITAK Electromobile races in 2015. Moreover, with their Turkey tour, they won the "Promotion and Dissemination Award" in the electromobility category at TUBITAK Alternative Energy Vehicle Races.
When starting a new printed circuit board design, you may spend most of your time focusing on the circuit design and component selection. However, the design might translate poorly from the digital domain to physical reality without a guideline provided by your PCB manufacturer. We have prepared a guideline for you to make the right decisions at the design stage from the very beginning.
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